12 - 18 Month Playgroup


At our location in San Juan Capistrano

Join our unique Mommy & Me class designed for mothers and their toddlers aged 12 to 18 months, where you'll find more than just developmental activities for your children—it's a community where new moms forge lasting friendships, share experiences, and support each other. Each 60-minute weekly session is filled with expert-led activities tailored to encourage your toddler's motor, cognitive, language, and social skills, all within a supportive and nurturing environment. Enroll in today and experience the joys of motherhood in a community that grows with you.

4-Week Class Schedule 

May 29th to June 19th
Wednesdays from 9:45 to 10:45 am

Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection
Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection
Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection

Growing Friendships

Our class is centered on developing strong bonds between mothers. Each session is a chance to engage with like-minded parents, share parenting tips, celebrate milestones together, and support each other through the ups and downs. Our 12 to 18 month class offers a warm, welcoming space to forge connections that last well beyond our weekly meet-ups, helping you build a supportive network that understands exactly what you're going through.

Key Learning Areas in Our 12 to 18 Month Mommy & Me Class

  • Motor Skills: Activities like crawling, walking, and precise hand movements to boost both gross and fine motor development.
  • Cognitive Skills: Engage with puzzles and interactive toys that promote problem-solving and understanding cause and effect.
  • Language Development: Encouragement of early words and phrases through songs, stories, and group interactions.
  • Social Interaction: Group play to foster skills in sharing, turn-taking, and developing empathy with peers.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Activities designed to help toddlers express and manage their emotions effectively.

These focused areas ensure a holistic approach to your toddler's growth, making each session both fun and foundational for future learning stages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Mommy & Me classes for babies aged 12 to 18 months?

Mommy & Me classes offer numerous benefits for toddlers in this age range, including enhancing motor skills through physical activities, stimulating cognitive development with problem-solving games, and fostering early language skills through interactive songs and stories. Additionally, these classes help strengthen social and emotional skills as toddlers interact with peers and express their feelings in a structured setting.

How can Mommy & Me classes enhance my toddler's motor skills?

These classes include a variety of physical activities tailored to young toddlers, such as crawling challenges, simple climbing exercises, and hand-eye coordination games. These activities are designed to improve both gross and fine motor skills, crucial for healthy physical development at this age.

What language skills will my child develop in a Mommy & Me class?

In a Mommy & Me class, toddlers are exposed to a rich language environment where they can expand their vocabulary and improve communication skills. Through repetitive songs, engaging stories, and group discussions, toddlers practice new words and phrases, enhancing their ability to express themselves.

How do Mommy & Me classes promote social development for 12 to 18 month olds?

Social development is a key component of Mommy & Me classes. Toddlers learn to interact with their peers through structured group play, which helps them develop important social skills like sharing, turn-taking, and empathizing with others, setting a foundation for future interpersonal relationships.

What emotional benefits do Mommy & Me classes provide for toddlers?

These classes support emotional development by encouraging toddlers to recognize and express their emotions in a supportive environment. Activities designed to link emotions with expressions and words help toddlers understand and manage their feelings better, promoting emotional intelligence from a young age.