18 - 24 Months Playgroup


At our location in San Juan Capistrano

Join our unique Mommy & Me class designed specifically for mothers with toddlers aged 18-24 months. This program is crafted to deepen connections among moms through shared experiences and support, fostering a vibrant community where relationships flourish alongside your children’s development. Each session is a chance to bond over the joys and challenges of parenting toddlers, in a welcoming environment filled with empathy and understanding.

Our weekly 60-minute sessions feature activities that are both fun and educational, tailored to encourage your toddlers' sensory, language, and motor skills development. Led by experts in early childhood education, "Double Delight" provides insightful guidance and practical parenting tips in a judgment-free zone where all styles are respected. Enroll today and be part of a community where you and your toddler can grow, learn, and form lasting friendships.

4-Week Class Schedule 

May 29th to June 19th
Wednesdays from 11 to 12 pm

Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection
Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection
Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection

Growing Friendships

Our 18 to 24 month class focuses on creating a strong community for mothers. Each session offers the opportunity to meet and bond with other moms in a welcoming, supportive atmosphere. Our gatherings are more than just playdates; they are a platform for sharing stories, exchanging parenting tips, and building friendships that support your journey through motherhood. This connection is invaluable, providing not just emotional support but also practical advice and shared experiences that enrich your life and parenting.

Key Learning Areas in Our 18-24 Month Mommy & Me Class

Language and Communication Skills: Toddlers enhance their verbal abilities through interactive storytelling, singing, and engaging conversations that promote early language development.

Motor Skill Advancement: Structured play that includes activities like block building and lively music sessions improves both fine and gross motor skills, crucial for physical growth and coordination.

Cognitive Development: Through puzzles, matching games, and simple counting exercises, toddlers expand their cognitive abilities, learning problem-solving skills and enhancing sensory awareness.

Social Interaction: Our classes offer a friendly environment where toddlers practice sharing, turn-taking, and empathy with peers, fostering essential social skills.

Emotional Growth: We focus on helping toddlers express themselves and understand their emotions through guided activities that teach them about feelings and appropriate expression.

These compact learning topics are designed to give your toddler a comprehensive developmental experience in a fun, engaging setting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of joining a Mommy & Me class for toddlers 18-24 months old?

Joining a Mommy & Me class for toddlers aged 18-24 months offers significant benefits such as fostering social skills, promoting early language and motor development, and providing a structured environment for both toddlers and parents to learn and grow. Parents gain access to a supportive community where they can share experiences and challenges while receiving expert guidance on child development.

How can Mommy & Me classes enhance toddler development?

Mommy & Me classes enhance toddler development by engaging them in activities designed to promote cognitive, social, and physical growth. Activities typically include interactive play, sensory exploration, and basic problem-solving tasks that are crucial at this developmental stage. These classes also provide a social setting where toddlers can interact with peers, which is essential for emotional and social development.

What kind of activities are included in the Mommy & Me classes for 18-24 month olds?

Classes for 18-24 month olds include a range of activities tailored to their developmental needs, such as sensory play to enhance tactile and cognitive skills, simple arts and crafts to develop fine motor skills, and sing-alongs to encourage language acquisition and musical appreciation. These activities are fun and engaging, helping toddlers to learn through play.

What should parents expect from participating in a Mommy & Me class with their 18-24 month old?

Parents can expect to participate in a variety of structured activities that promote child development and parent-child bonding. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to meet and interact with other parents, forming a network of support and friendship. Classes are usually led by experienced instructors who provide educational insights and parenting tips tailored to the age group.

How do Mommy & Me classes support the social and emotional well-being of both toddlers and parents?

Mommy & Me classes provide a supportive community that benefits both toddlers and parents socially and emotionally. For toddlers, interacting with peers helps develop empathy, sharing skills, and emotional regulation. For parents, the classes offer a space to discuss parenting challenges, exchange advice, and receive emotional support from peers who understand the ups and downs of parenting young children.