2 Kids Under 4 Playgroup


At our location in San Juan Capistrano

A Specialized Mommy & Me Class for Moms with Two Kids Under 4

Join a unique Mommy & Me class designed specifically for mothers with two children under 4. This class isn't just about child development; it's a vibrant community that nurtures deep connections among moms facing similar joys and challenges. Experience a supportive environment where you can share stories, seek advice, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie with peers who truly understand the dynamics of raising two young kids. Each session is filled with engaging, developmentally appropriate activities for your little ones, while moms enjoy targeted discussions and workshops focused on managing sibling interactions and personal well-being.

Sign up today and become part of the community, where every class is an opportunity to learn and grow together. 

4-Week Class Schedule 

May 30th to June 20th
Thursdays from 2:15 to 3:15 pm

Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection
Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection
Embrace the Chaos, Celebrate the Connection

Growing Friendships

More than just a play class—a thriving community where deep, lasting friendships are formed. We understand the unique challenges of parenting multiple young children, which is why our sessions are geared towards creating bonds not just between children, but between mothers as well. Here, you'll find a supportive network of friends who are eager to share their stories, advice, and encouragement. Our welcoming, inclusive atmosphere allows you to feel understood and supported, providing a much-needed respite and a chance to breathe, laugh, and grow with others who truly understand your daily life.

Key Learning Areas for Toddlers in Our Two Under Four Mommy & Me Class

Social Skills Enhancement: Children learn crucial social behaviors such as sharing, cooperation, and empathy through group play and interaction, fostering positive relationships with siblings and peers.

Cognitive Development: Engaging puzzles, simple counting games, and color matching activities are designed to stimulate young minds, enhancing problem-solving abilities and early numeracy and literacy skills.

Physical Growth and Motor Skills: Through fun physical activities like obstacle courses, ball games, and dance, toddlers improve their gross motor skills while fine motor skills are honed through arts and crafts.

Emotional and Self-Expression: We encourage toddlers to express their emotions and preferences through structured activities and guided play, helping them develop confidence and self-awareness.

Routine and Structure: Regular class schedules and consistent routines within sessions help children understand and adapt to structured environments, easing transitions and building predictability and security.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of attending a Mommy & Me class for moms with two young children?

Attending a Mommy & Me class provides a unique opportunity for moms with two young children to receive targeted support and education tailored to their specific needs. Benefits include fostering social skills in children through interaction with peers, reducing feelings of isolation in mothers by connecting them with others in similar life stages, and enhancing parenting skills through structured activities and expert guidance.

How can this class help manage sibling dynamics between two young children?

our two under four class is designed to address the challenges and dynamics between siblings under the age of four. The class offers activities that encourage cooperative play and shared experiences, helping to foster a strong bond between siblings. Additionally, parents gain insights and strategies from experienced instructors on managing sibling rivalry and promoting harmony at home.

What types of activities are included in the the Two under Four class?

The class includes a variety of activities that cater to both individual and cooperative play, suitable for children under four. These activities range from arts and crafts to sensory play and interactive storytime, all designed to support developmental milestones. For moms, the class offers discussions on topics like early childhood development, parenting strategies, and self-care.

How does this class support the mental and emotional well-being of mothers?

Our two under four class provides a supportive community environment where mothers can share their experiences and challenges without judgment. The class encourages open dialogue and mutual support, which can significantly improve mental and emotional well-being by reducing stress and increasing confidence in parenting skills.

What should I expect from a typical session in the class?

In a typical session of you can expect a structured yet flexible schedule that includes both free play and guided activities. Each 60-minute session is designed to engage children in developmental tasks while also providing moms the opportunity to participate in group discussions and workshops. This dual approach ensures that both children and mothers benefit from each class, enhancing their learning and community-building experience.